404-819-8893 / 404-952-7295

Podium / Desktop Microphones on stands
Push to Talk Desktop Microphones
Hand –Held Microphones
Wireless Lav Microphones
Wireless Hand Held Microphones
MP3 Audio Recorders
CD / MP3 Players
Analog Mixers
Digital Mixers
Getner Telephone Interface (for over the phone teleconference)
PC Audio devices ( DI Box)
Audio Snake (8 – 16 Channel) (50-150ft)
Board Room Data Projectors
Data / Video Projectors
Tripod Screens (5ft – 8ft)
Fast Fold Screens (4:3 and 16:9)
Data / Video switcher (for multiple input sources and seamless transitions)
Playback Players
Video monitors (5” - 70”)
Video Recorders
Video Cameras and Tripods
Robotic Cameras
Computer and Meeting Aids
Computer laptop
Color or B/W Printers
Podium / Lectern
Wireless remote slide advancer
Laser pointer
Speaker Timer
Projection Stand with Skirting
Projection Cart
Flipchart with markers
LED Color Up Lights
Velour black draping (otherwise known as pipe and drape)
Audience Response System
Interactive app - Poll Everywhere voting system
Webcasting services (to allow live remote participation)